fatigue index rast
Fatigue Index Maximum power - Minimum power Total time for the 6 sprints Maximum Power Is a measure of the highest power output and provides information about the strength and maximal sprint speed. The Running-based Anaerobic Sprint Test RAST has been developed at the University of Wolverhampton as a sports-specific anaerobic test. Mean Se For The Maximal Jump Height H Max Cm The Mean Jump Download Scientific Diagram Effect of High Intensity Interval Training with Blood Restriction on Anaerobic Performance. . Research range is 1054 watts to 676 watts. It is similar to the Wingate ANaerobic 30 cycle Test WANT in that it provides coaches with measurements on peak power average power and minimum power along with a fatigue index. So we observed that the. De plus il permet également aux entraîneurs dévaluer la puissance maximale la puissance moyenne et la puissance minimale dun athlète. It is similar to the Wingate ANaerobic 30...